Update – I’m still a tub tub, but a firmer tub tub

31 days to go! Or essentially 4 weeks. Here’s my progress so far:

Definitely some difference, and I’m not talking about the tan! Although I did feel bloated for those 2nd progress photos. I feel leaner today (4 days after taken). My weight fluctuates almost daily (not that I weigh myself every day, I just go by how I feel – bloated/water retention etc) and I seem to feel leaner during the week when I’m drinking regularly at work  and eating at regular times (x4/5 times a day). My weight went down pretty quickly for the first couple of weeks, then for the last two weeks or so it’s stayed relatively the same.

I’m not 100% sure whether abs are totally worth the total lack of any ‘soul food’ (as I like to call it) in my diet, but I definitely want to tone as much as possible! Get some murves going on!

It was horrible how bloated and tired I felt before. I actually almost feel ashamed to look at the old photos and post them. Since starting this I’ve determined that I’m definitely at least mildly intolerant to lactose, and also (randomly), onions. I’m pretty sure I’m mildly intolerant to almost everything but there you go!

I’m feeling really motivated recently too. I’m seeing progress with my arms and shoulders which I missed! And also my legs.

BUT my yoga practicing has really suffered – since starting weight training x4 times a week again, I’ve only done yoga maybe 2/3 times in the past month! So I’m going to start incorporating yoga into my week again, no matter what! 3-4 times a week! I’ve also really been neglecting cardio. Ugh, cardio! So I’ll be making sure I don’t skip that anymore.

I’m going climbing next week with one of my friends, it’ll be the first time I’ve tried it. I’m SO excited! I’m feeling inspired to try different things and ways of staying fit outside of the gym. I’ve been watching climbing videos and they’re all super fit – such good upper body strength! I really struggle with body weight exercises, my goal for this year is to be able to do pull ups and dips.

Any tips for a newbie climber?

In terms of my mind/soul – I’m feeling less anxious and tired, and more confident and motivated than I have for months. It’s a great feeling. The food I’ve been eating has been just as good for my mind and soul as it has been for my body.

4 thoughts on “Update – I’m still a tub tub, but a firmer tub tub

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